Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 5:57 PM
school was boring today. we did a little oral for english and that's about it. math, i understood everything but i couldn't remember! ack!! chinese was damm lame la. wang lao shi sucks can! ugh. hate him hate him hate him!!!! HATE HIM!! argh. he sucks! after that was bio but it was taken by miss hazelin to check marks. sigh. i only get 63 this term. sucks. went out after sch with qy to buy teachers day prezzies. only bought flowers, haven't thought of the small gifs yet. buying for miss kang, mrs tng, mrs teo, miss deepa and dunno who. think!! who else..
so come on, tell me.
Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 7:43 PM
ACK! MUSCLE ACHES! pain. shoulder muscle. PAINNN!!!! (groans) well, today i got back my dnt paper and i barely passed. i got a 31. i wanted to scold myself la. can get so much higher. but i counted the marks triangles wrongly. ack. bio tied with alyn with the top with 35 marks. THE BLOODY MISS SEM, she set the exam paper according to her notes la. so her whole class know what's going to come out for the paper. she ever wrote on the notes" SECURE 4 MARKS IN THE TEST. MEMORISE" what the hell la! not fair. all her questions are practically the same as the notes!!! argh! hate her! stupid. so like, practically the whole class is gonna write complaint letter. to whom? i don't know. but i'm not writing... yeah. had another head hitting fight with lishan. and like, wth, jeya damm extra la. nobody playing with her she go and interrupt. kept telling her to go away cause it's between us( made a bet yesterday over the sms) she go and be so extra la. UGH! bloody. stupid. den today having class discussion la. den she keep telling us to keep quiet. and usually she is the one that makes the most noise. more noise that the whole class together. like, ppl cannot make noise but she can. irritating larh... so anyway, we were discussing about the colour of the class T-shirt. we decided on olive. -_^. we'll see how it turns out. stayed back after school with lishan, jia le, pris and charlotte. me, lishan and jia le were talking about cartoons.
CHALK ZONE and alot of other cartoons. damm funny la! haha.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006 @ 6:38 PM
netball today. assesment. fun! we won, but had problems. such as footing and stuff. i NEED to work on my footing. ack. we won by alot~ the other team hardly touched the ball. i play centre this time, HEY! IT REALLY WASN'T THAT TIRING. WA WAS WORSE! wa play 15min i will start squating down as we wait for the person to shoot. centre so fun la. wonder why jeya dun wanna be. heh. so mrs teo tried to give the other team a chance. so she switched the positions. i became gk. all the defense players became attack and the attack became defense. the other team still cant score! hooray! we rock! haha. den after PE. me and qinyi played volleyball vs mrs teo and mrs tng. WE WON!!! haha! 2 beginners won against 2 pros. NOT BAD EH! =D went for recess. drank so much water.
oh. TESSA TAN SUCKS! she made us waste 1 period moving tables and gu zhengs just so that we can have geog lesson in the it resource room. like cannot go anywhere else la. THE WORSE THING WAS THAT SHE MADE US SHIFT IT BACK CAUSE THE GU ZHENG GIRLS SAID THAT THEY NEEDED THE WHOLE ROOM! UGH! slap that woman. went out with caryn and sam today. was gonna ask sarah but she just told us to go away. PFFT! ATTITUDE! haha.
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Monday, August 21, 2006 @ 7:03 PM
today english did reading rights. thank goodness. don't have to hear cumar speak. after that was math. so sad. only got 21. sigh. could have gotten 23. if i wasn't honest. I AM SUCH A GOOD GIRL. hiaz. after that was chinese la. den the 2 teachers came in. wang lao shi was damm act la. his lesson sucked more. he go and ask us to write questions on a piece of paper. waste paper can. ugh.. he's so damm ugly and disgusting can! pants so damm high.. yuck. after that was bio.. haha. started on jeya's FAVOURITE subject. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. wth la. ahha. seems that the whole class agrees. LOL! had 10min of lit. miss loh asked for extra 5min, HAD TO SAY YES. if not she'll scold... and she was the one that said we cannot argue with her or sth. so she said that our class is very well trained. LOL. haha. =]
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Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 9:28 PM
whoo! today was a fun day! bio test turned out to be not so difficult as i expected. it was difficult but not THAT difficult except for the stem question... had no idea what i was writing. HEH! we had a SUPRISE GRADED CHINESE GONG HAN during chinese AND WANG LAO SHI LOST MY ZUO WEN SCRIPT! HOW COULD HE! ugh. he's so disgusting can!! ART ROCKED! I FINALLY GOT HIS APPROVAL. HALLEUIAH! bio was ok la. kinda boring cause we were learning about chromosomes again... DNA! THE AMAZING THING MAN1 6FEET IN 1 CELL IN 1 CHROMOSOME! THAT'S TINY!! ahha. math was boring la. PYTHAGORAS WAS A PHILOSIPHER! wow! lol. haha. I LOVE MY BLOG SKIN! ~random~
OH OH! WE DID THE TRACK BOARD TODAY! AND I'M SO PROUD OF IT! the only thing that spoilt it was the letter "d" which was so small and in small letters. haha. oh well. BUT IT'S DAMM NICE! i love the "track" cause it's like.. well. it rocks! go see for yourself!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006 @ 5:59 PM

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4:34 PM
today's WEDNESDAY! the middle of the week! yeah! had geog today and i got 20/25 for the common test! 80% yeah! finally an a1. but i bet history will bring my overall down by ALOT! anway, had PE after chapel. SO FUN! CAN PLAY NETBALL! tiring though. we won like. by ALOT to 1. hahaha! so funny! tiffany should be GS. not GA. cause it seems that she is the one doing all the shooting and si hui isn't doing ANYTHING. cant even catch ball. ok. i'm being to mean now. SORRY SI HUI IF YOU'RE READING THIS! =] hmm. jeya was funny la. like, i see her run with her hair bobbing up and down like duga's haha! so funny! ok..... -.-
tomorrow got bio test. says it's gonna be difficult... shucks. i'm not ready yet!
I CANT RMB SO MUCH STUFF! ack! my brain's like.. saturated!ack! study study! cant wait for common tests to be over!!!! =D
so come on, tell me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 @ 4:26 PM
whoo! today was a fun day! haha. OH! I MUST SAY SOMETHING. like. yesterday before the track study group, i way playing with charlotte's tennis ball with chin la. more like i stole the ball from chin. then i started playing with it near the window! and it NEARLY fell out!! HENGS. den i told chin that the ball flew out. den she started panicking. she ran downstairs to find the ball but COULDNT!! ahah. so i told lishan and the rest what i did. den they all starded laughing. ahha. anyway, chin really panicked!! really really! ahha. then we told her that maybe at the book shop there. den she didn't believe. then she sit for a while, then she said" OH! I THINK I KNOW WHERE! at the car there" den she went down to look. den all of us burst out laughing. caryn was there too. ahaha. so anyway she said she was dead and i had to bring a tennis ball to school tomorrow. she really panick again. then me and caryn had to go for study group liao. after study group i went to sweet secrets with jess and caryn. den went home. and around 7 plus. GUESS WHAT! amanda chin acctually called me to remind me to bring a tennis ball to school tomorrow! i could hardly keep my laughter down. when we put down the phone. i burst out laughing la. haha. so today when i went to school, she had already found out that we tricked her. aha. and now she hates me. FOR LIFE. ahahhaa. SO FUNNY! oh. and yesterday, caryn was putting the dustbin on the door. and she called elizebeth(2d1) to come in. and the dustbin fell on her!!! aha. acctually we wanted it to like, become a hat. but it didn't. but nevermind. it was still damm funny!! ahaa
today was quite fun. had math lesson and i think i'm gonna flunk it. cause the last question was so damm difficult la. try as i might i just couldn't get the answer. sigh. stupid miss liang. set the paper so hard. hmpff. english was boring as usual. PE was fun! more fun that i expected cause my group wasn't playing netball cause i lost to qy in a
SCISSORS, PAPER, STONE game. -.-. stupid mrs teo. ahha. anyway, we were doing drills. the run up and take the ball, turn and throw, haha, mrs teo said that that drill was a FAILURE! ahha. so funny! den everytime qy throw the ball to si hui, mrs teo would be near and the ball would almost hit her. HAHA! SO FUNNY!! at the end of the lesson, we had to jump for a REALLY high ball. first time i didn't get it cause i jumped to early. 2nd time i hit qy's finger. PAIN.haha.
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Monday, August 14, 2006 @ 7:00 PM
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
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6:54 PM
The Underwear Oracle
wth!! retarded!
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6:51 PM
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
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6:49 PM
so come on, tell me.
Sunday, August 13, 2006 @ 1:38 PM
there has been 1 thing that i have been urging to say"
PLANET SHAKERS' ULTRA VIOLET ROCKED!!!! " it was damm fun la!! it was a loud,ear-drum bursting fun!! anyway. i went to meet sam to go together to meet caryn. i waited for her for 30min! because she took the wrong 315. -.-" the worse thing was that when the bus JUST left. like a second ago, she came running
sam: "ALVI ALVI!!!!"
me: (gives her look and starts screaming at her)
so anyway, we were super late and caryn was getting irritated. so sam went to the toilet first. AND GUESS WHAT. SHE WENT INTO THE MALE TOILET!!! ahah! so dumb la!! ahah!! lucky got nobody inside. haha. so stupid! so we caught the bus and caryn met us on the bus. den headed off to aljunied MRT station where we went to changi airport to meet qw.
haha. sam scared her den she scared. den i scared qw. ahah! scared 2 times in a row! haha. she look like AUNTIEE. haah. so funny. anyway, we had tiramisu and cake and some bread thingy for dinner den went off to the
it was damm noisy inside the hall. so cool! everything was violet and blue. ahha. started off kinda lame. like the uv dancers was lame... well. yeah.
and so began the concert. LOUD MUSIC PLUS SCREAMING AND SINGING..... whoo hoo! was jumping around and we sang jumping around.. SHOIK!
i love the song.
EVERYBODY IN THE HOUSE (EVERYBODY)!!haha! shoik! i also love the other one..
WOAH!JESUS!HE'S LIVIN IN ME!WOAH!JESUS!HE'S LIVING IN ME!REDEEMER!JESUS!HE'S LIVING IN ME!!so fun!!! whee! the sermon was quite funny la. the speaker was talking about how we wanted to be a black american church. so he said was had to say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. MEN!!!" and" HALEEEEEEEEE-LUIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" AND" heelp himmmm jeeesuss!" aha. it was a blast! anyway, the back row(us) won because we were the loudest! ahha~ well, he began his AMUSING sermon. talking about his first kiss. as he was talking the key board-ist started to play a song. and the titanic song. ahha. so funny!! after the sermon we had 1 last song. cant rmb what it was.. then ppl started chanting" MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE..!!!!" and we had a final song which was jumping around. YEAH! DAMM FUN!!
after the concert, we went to BK which was closed, so we headed back to the mrt where we saw jia ying, natasha, jazziel and alyn,charlotte,claris and amanda chong. yeah. talked for a while den went to take the train to changi airport for supper. had Mc's. after that we went waited for tess' dad to give us a lift. it was alredy 11 by then. by the time i reacherd the pri school bus stop, it was 12am already! so freaky la. called my dad to pick me up and i was home! finally.
went straight to sleep then. ZZzzzZZzzzzzzzzzZzZZzzzzZzz... =]
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Saturday, August 12, 2006 @ 1:11 PM
GREEN GREEN GREEN!! this blog is so green man! ahah. but i think the pic is weird. lol. couldn't find any other pic..haha. whee. later going to planet shakers ULTRAVIOLET!! my friend says it's damm nice. very charasmatic. hmm. it should be good huh. *rubs chin*
so sian. got nth to watch on you tube.
so come on, tell me.
Saturday, August 05, 2006 @ 4:49 PM
just watch all 6 samurai X ovas. IT'S SO TOUCHINGAND SAD! could have cried la. not all sad la. the first 3 were nice. den 4-6 the drawing sucked and they were abit confusing. 6 ah.. wah seh. SO DAMM SAD! i tell u what happen not sad. must watch den damm sad.gosh. i still got so much dnt hwk left! miss kok wants it done by monday. irritating man. so MUCH!! ack.
so come on, tell me.
Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 7:31 PM
today ROCKED MAN! hah. started with DNT.. studied SOOOO HARD! in the end, no test. the test is nxt week and it's OPEN BOOK! pfft! well, after that was recess.. watched the e1 girls play netball again. ahah. very fun to watch them. the blue GK girl was playing with a rock.. then when the ball came, she continued to play with the rock and ppl were wassing the ball around her la. SO DUMB! haha. lishan wanted to watch. but by the time she came, no more liao. HAHAHA! then it was life.. so DAMM BORING! had a CME QUIZ. what the hell. and it's graded! -.-". so stupid la. hmm then it was history. HAH! IT WAS DAMM FUNNY LA! miss hazelin was late for class la. so the history monitresses went to look for her. the class was damm noisy la. they couldnt find her.. so we continued to make alot of noise. haha. den alot of ppl went to look for her. we even wrote on the board
dear miss hazelin. we want to receive our graded assignments
if you dont come back withing the next half hour,
we are going to make a police report.
mean while i was having a paper ball fight with lishan. ahha. den at 12:05, miss hazelin came. FINALLY!
so it was like.
sombody in class: MISS HAZELIN, you very early leh!
miss hazelin: early? huh?
i think it's qinyi: class start at 11:25 leh
miss hazelin: huh? no... it's 12 what.
(malar shows time table)
miss hazelin: OH NO!!!!
CLASS: ya...
(miss hazelin counts the time.)
miss hazelin: OH NO! OH NO!
class laughs
haha. it's damm funny la!
but i got 5/7 for comparison and 3/7 for reliability...
bio after that. my god! the heart is an AMAZINGGG organ man! to lazy to elaborate..
so come on, tell me.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 3:46 PM
MUG...MUG...MUG...MUG...MUG..ack. so many tests,so little time... to study. ack.tomorrows gonna be CHINESE and GEOGRAPHY.they're both probably gonna fail cause my chinese sucks and miss tan cant teach at all! even today's lesson. THE THING I LEARNT WAS... textiles= fabric. and how to measure bearing... argh! i hate miss has been an alright day i guess. I DID MY DUTY! so now the class room is SPICK AND SPAN! it even shines!!! *SHING SHING* just kidding. but it is clean. gosh. DID YOU SEE THE AMT OF DUST. *jaw drops* it's jaw dropping. one sweep and that area was BLACK! ack. EEEE.only melody went for cell today... lol. SHE''S LEAVING!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow!!! wheeEE *opens champange, balloons EVERY WHERE* la la la la la! whee! we will have (as qinyi says) class peace. you know.. world peace. but class peace! =D. to me. it's -.-. haha. anyway, back to melody. she told EVERY SINGLE teacher that she was leaving. den miss tan was like " MELODY'S CRYING CAUSE SHE'S LEAVING TOMORROW." den the whole class got no response.... hah. FUNNY!!qinyi's back was hurting today. den miss deepa was like " why are you holding your back like a pregnant lady?" HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! so funny! so funny!! HAHAHAHAHA! she really look like pregnant lady........ i wonder how big miss deepa's closet is..... hmm.. well, that was random. bio was boring. we had to do this ws. and got so many i dunno how to do... LOLS.gtg do some STUFF liao... hmm. what do i have to do...?
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006 @ 4:53 PM
pure geog. or pure lit. elective geog. or elective lit. ARGH!! stupid sec 2 subject combination. SUCKS! it makes my life MISERABLE!!! ack. I CANT DROP LIT! WTH! O's are so gonna suck la! I WANNA TAKE DOUBLE SCIENCE. BUT I CANT CAUSE OF MY ENGLISH! WHAT THE HELL LARHH!!! hiaz... sucks sucks.oh well. PE was fun today. mrs teo scolded me cause i wasn't shooting properly. but we fixed that! and i shot in ALL 40! whee!! of course some is tyco de la. mrs teo dun believe me loh. tsk. but i know it went in. so yay! karpagum cheated. had jeya shoot some for her. lil cheater bug.... =D after pe was RECESS! was damm hungry la. ate den went up to stone... den math. stoned again. damm tired today la..MY GOD! CALLIGRAPHY sucks man! it's so damm boring. was sleeping through the whole thing la. zzZZz.. IT sucked. cause i couldn't do the stupid fish thing. ack. irritaing.... the stupid mouth la... kept moving upwards instead of turning into a frown. HMPFF! STUPID FLASH! so bored.. shall go play the GUITAR! yay! =D*alvina has left the ________* i'm being lame. =]
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