Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 3:28 PM




so come on, tell me.
Monday, November 27, 2006 @ 4:06 PM
TODAY IS WEDNESDAY! like you didn't know. anyway, i just recovered from fever and you know what! i got COUGH! pfffft. like you cough 5 times at 1 go. -.-' like having TB like that. AHAHAHAH! not funny. =D i did HOMEWORK today. so guai. was trying very hard to do english comprehension, but i HATE compre, so i skipped that. now all i need to do is... commonwealth essay, compre, 1 newspaper article and.. chinese. sian ah... i feel like eating tom yam again.. CANNOT! cough.. CANNOT!
so come on, tell me.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 @ 9:31 PM
MISS THAM WANYI! i think i have caught your MARVOLOUS cough! my throat is SUPER DUPER LUPER pain now! -_-" see la! keep "SINGING"... now all the virus spread to me! :(training today. optional one. yeah. did the same thing as monday i guess. same fast jogging.. but this time jess said that is wasn't 3k. but 4! -_-" how exciting... no wonder i died. after that we had the skipping and running up the staircase! OOH OOH~!! i did 50 skipping without STOPPING! whoohoo!! hahaha. so cool! then i did it FAST as well. COOL EH! =D. after trng, we all washed up and stuff, then went to eat lunch. and at some table, there were some guys that had really REALLY horible laughs. so HIGH PITCHED! and i am not sacarstic!! really high! so loud some more. it's as though your ear drums are gonna BURST!!! anyway, we wanted to go out later. we as in, wanyi,ming hwee, qian wei and jessica. we didn't know where to go la! -_-" so we took a bus to serengoon interchange cause jessica had to meet someone. then we took a train to KOVAN. then we were like, WHERE TO GO?? so we got off, then started to think where to go... then took votes and what nots.. then we took a train back to POTONG PASIR! still don't know where to go. eventually, we decided to go to HOUGANG MALL! where ming hwee could buy gelare and pao pao cha! haha. on the train, when the train stopped at kovan, ming hwee said:" KOVAN! wah! sounds so FAMILIAR..." HAHAH! i burst out laughing la! haha! dammmmm funny! so we got off at hougang and walked around... sat at gelare... then went to popular cause i needed to biy wrapping paper for my books. then off to the arcade where we played that button game... wth! i lost so many times can.. -_-". jesscia the PRO la. play TOO many times le, that's why she's so good. lol. headed home, while it was raining and i met ER JIE! on the bus! YEAH! OH OH! yesterday, sth funny happened! my da je saw a moth in her room. then she went " MOTH MOTH! CHERYL! MOTH!!!!!" *blows at nothing* WTH! so stupid! the moth wasn't even near her! and she BLEW. 0.0' haha. FUNNY!
so come on, tell me.
Monday, November 20, 2006 @ 6:41 PM
training today. i nearly died can. ugh! warm up 5 sets stairs and like, a 3km run. fast one somemore. siao la! i breathe until my throat sore la. ugh. later was 100 skipping and 1 legged hopping, 10m. had to hop with knee lift. wah! can die la! like your knee gonna give out can. the later was bouncing running. kinda fun, cause we all couldn't do it properly, so we were trying and trying. after trng we went to celebrate jiaying,jia ping and yu nings birthday. so we bought a cake. the sec ones came along too. so i was asking them if they wanted cake. the stupid gladys just glared at me la. like i'm doing sth to her like that. -_-" then she was like," dont want" i a very qian bian face. UGH! stupid... then i ask the 2 other sec ones, they dont even give me a reply la. so irrtating can. dont want say dont want la. dont keep quiet. ugh. so i asked pris to help me ask them. ugh! stupid.... irritating, freaking attitude problem. so anyway, some of the bday ppl were UNGRATEFUL. likew e bought chocolate cake. then one of them said. chocolate ah. i dont like chocolate. i dont want. WAH LAO! please la! ppl so HAO XIN help them buy, at least just eat a little to show your GRATITUED!!! stupid. anyway, i had 3 slices of cake. 3!! so fat now. sigh... we went to ikea. (pronounced i-kay-er) not (ii-kea)... -_-" iikea is so.... SINGAPOREAN! i-kay-er is more HIGH CLASS.. it's not english. it's SWEDISH! -_-" so i-kay-er! yes! i wanted to eat bk. the TURKEY BBQ BACON. yumm!!!! but sadly, i ate a hotdog from ikea instead.
so come on, tell me.
Friday, November 17, 2006 @ 9:30 PM

a RUGBY BALL! inflatable.

bubble gum BUBBLE!!

some stupid thing qy drew on MY LEG.
so come on, tell me.
7:57 PM
having diner now... GUESS WHAT I'M EATING!
*suspense suspense*
TOM YAM INSTANT NOODLE!HAHAHA! been craving for it since mega camp. haha. and i finally eat it. yummm.spent the whole day cleaning up my room with my sis. it's still a big mess. continuing tmr after buying books. yeah. =D
so come on, tell me.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 10:19 PM
I'M BACK!!!!!! bet all of you guys MISSED me LOADS! ha ha! sore throat. my voice is like, zao xia... haha. lol. mega camp was GREAT! excepts for the lizard in the toilet and that we had to bathe together to save time. yeah.
MEGA CAMPDAY 1:OK! so i woke up at about 0800 to do some last minute packing. then done and headed off for SCHOOL! met jiale and QY! found out my group which was GROUP 1!!! yeah! didn't have anybody i was close to in there. but never the less i made new friends! EG, danya,tanya,HEAD PREFECT,joy, eileen............ the day started off pretty well. reported in the E-hall and played ROJAK! had to MAKE rojak. all of us were some ingredient and it was stuck on our back. we had to guess who or rather what we are buy asking people yes/no questions! yeah. then after finding out, we had to make rojak! damm fun la! like they say, EXTRA TOW GAY! then must find another tow gay. ahah! damm fun! then when we toss the rojak, we must JUMP!! haha. then had an amazing race to woodlands. to start off we had to melt a bag of ice. hard man! did so many things. ran around, put it on hot surfaces, put it on our backsm on the drain... BLAH BLAH! went to 3 stations.1st station:wear EVERYONE'S watch and ask someone for the time and that someone must not have a watch. yeah.2nd station:KENNA YEILDED! SUAY! so waited 20min. then had to spell "PAYA LEBAR MGS" with our shoes. yeah. then off to woodlands MRT for LUNCH!OH OH! and the clues were given in WEBDINGS. so we had to decode it with a decoder that our facilitator had. yeah! 1 group got lost so someone went to pick them up. after lunch we headed for KOTA TINGGI RAINFOREST RESORT.THE FIRST THING WE SAW IN THE CAMPSITE WAS A DUCK SO COOL! HAHA. wanted to chase it, but better not. went into the confrence hall for some breifing and stuff. then we went over to our sleeping area. WE HAD TO CROSS A SUSPENSION BRIDGE! man, how scary it was when we did it for the first time. it was ROCKING like siao la!! *rock rock rock* like we're gonna fall at any second. we ALL made it across safely thank goodness! and we collected our tents and set off to pitch them after listening to the instructor who was teaching us how to set up out tents PROPERLY and QUICKLY. I think we did pretty well. yep yep! and i learnt that PEARLYN was PARANOID of BUGS! haha. she can use up one whole bottle of 'OFF' spray man! haha! damm funny la!anyway, after that was done, it was off for devotion than lunch. then..... some other stuff which i cant rmb! =D WE BATHED WITH A GIANT LIZARD WHICH WAS AS BIG AS YOUR HAND OR MAYBE BIGGER, A RAT AND MILLIONS OF MOSQUITOES AND FLIES. THEY HAD NESTS IN THE SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we played seated soccer and i think we came in 4th. considered not bad!! at night, the worse thing was that the tent was WET! and PEOPLE COULDN'T SLEEP! AND EVEN SO! EVERYONE WAS TRYING TO SLEEP BUT THERE WERE INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE WHO ALSO COULDN'T SLEEP BUT DIDN'T HAVE THE CONSIDERATION TO KEEP QUIET!!!!!!! and they had this animal than went "whoo"/"whoof"/"whoot". so LOUD! so irritating!!! UGH! so i got like 1hr of sleep. ugh. was falling asleep the next day man.
DAY 2:ok. woke up around 6 to prep for 5BX.(morning exercise) yeah. stretching and a short run. then breakfast which was cold, devotion then activities. we had to build a map. YES. BUILD a map. as in 3d. using paper, sticks and some other stuff we can find. yeah. finished it the next day. then it was lunch, then we had to build a go-kart which could transport a filled waterbottle 4m. hard task cause the team was split into 3. wheels, body and resource management. yeah. resource management had to split up the resources and stuff. yeah. i think we did good though our go-kart looked abit ratty. HEH! learnt how to play QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE(something like concentration but replaced with actions of animals) dinner then time to play STAR WARS! it was about trying to burn some other teams' string without getting your candle being blown off. difficult man!!! zhi xian so tall put her candle high up then cannot blow. -_-" anyway, they had to modify the game cause we weren't making progress. so only 5 defenders were alowed. then from that, all the alpha wind people came together and......... CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOINGED! ahah! damm fun! still no progress. so they changed it to who can set fire to their own lines. came in 4th/5th. haha! fun fun!! bathed. day 2 was FUN. i had centry(sp?) duty at 0300-0330. FREEEEEZING cold!! spent the 30min talking to Aaron. i was paired with pearlyn. she was wearing trackpants with a sleeveless top and i was wearing a jacket with FBT shorts. HA! one word. FREEZE! ugh. i slept pretty well the rest of the night. yeah! so day 3 began....DAY 3:woke up at 6 again. had 5bx today was well but we didn't run cause of the long day ahead. it was devotion then the HIGH and LOW elements. i did the FLYING FOX! whoot! damm fun la! but the staircase was damm hot! like, you touch it to pull yourself closer so you can unhok the pulley, HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER HOT! yeah. did some thing where you have to pass EVERYONG through a tyre. pearlyn was freaked out cause there were bugs inside!!! haha! funny! when we squeezed renee out, wah! my ELBOW ah. ROLLED! damm pain la! -_-" so yeah. i stopped helping for a while. yeah. after the everything was lunch. then it was the JUNGLE TREK for us. i lent my trackpants to qy. GUESS WHAT! she got cut on BOTH legs and didn't know until she reached the waterfall. so there's a NICE blood stain there. THANKS VERY VERY VERY MUCH QINYI! i'll never forget you now! =D so a anw, we set off and alot of us were scared cause alot of people from the other wing got bitten by LEECHES!!!! ack! and the blood doesn't stop flowing. UGH! gross! we set off for a LONG LONG WALK! went into the jungle and guess what! so suay, our ranger FAINTED!!!! then alot of people were like, FAKE ONE LA! STOP IT LA! NOT FUNNY! then some took charge, SJAB people helped out. in the end, it was a PLOY! to test out leadership skills and team effort. overall good but we made some mistakes. yeah. we saw a leech and we thought it was an earth worm until we saw how it moved then we were like "LEEEEEEEEEEEEC H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then we all moved faster and kept stamping our feet. in the end, no one got bitten by leeches. THANK OMEGA for that. cause they went for the trek first and feed the leeches for us! yeah!! haha. during the walk back, we had to pretend that someone was blind and someone was crippled. haha. fun! i was blind and before i knew it, we were back at camp. i didn't reconise the place la. i thought we were at the water fall. lol.dumb. anyway, we made our way to the waterfall. LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LOOOOOOOOOOONG walk! yeah. our feet were aching and my shoe's sole came off. UGH! irritating la.. went into the waterfall, took pictures. the rocks were super slippery la! yeah. headed back with a few other groups and we like, recited some stuff. like..REPEAT AFTER ME!(REPEAT AFTER ME!)DO WHAT I DO!(DO WHAT I DO)get it?yeahso it went likeIN THE EARLY MORNING WALK!WITH OUR BACKPACKS ON OUR BACKS!WITH AN ACHING IN MY HEART!AN MY T-SHIRT FULL OF SWEAT.I'M A LONG LONG WAY FROM HOME!
got some more! damm nice la! haha. =D
we made it back all wet and relieved to finally rest our feet. IT WAS CAMPFIRE NIGHT!
super fun!!!!!! did wing cheer battles and stuff. played QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE! haha. damm fun!! had group cheer battles and what nots. we made ALOT of noise la! super super fun! we were given light sticks. yeah!! had items put up. haha! damm funny la!! laughed like crazy!!! "
IT'S WING WING SITUATION!*flips hair*" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! inside joke. HAHA! funny! yeah. slept at dunno when. HAHAHAHHA! oh oh! all 5 of us fell asleep in our tent la. 5 as in danya, pearlyn,me,esther and samantha tay. plus dorothy. then she wanted to go back into her tent la. so she asked then we didn't reply her. the our facilitator came in and yelled:"PIGS PIGS!!!!!!!!!" none of us woek up except danya. she was like" WHAT WHAT?!?! WHAT'S HAPENING?!?!!" the literally screamed and like, scolded our facilitator. then she fell back asleep immediately. HAHAHAH! DAMM FUNNY!!!! haha. sleep talking. ahahah!!!
DAY 4:slept super nicely. woke up at 7 sharp, gave the rest 10min more of sleep before i woke them up. went for breakfast then stiked out tents. yeah.. devotion then evaluation. headed to JUSCO for lunch and shopping. bought KFC for lunch and blught bubblegum. water melon! yeah! ahah. then back to sg and waited for jess,wanyi and qian wei where we went to heartland mall for dinner. yeah! =D
so come on, tell me.
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 6:32 PM
ON THE OUTSIDEName: Alvina Lim
Birth Date: 31st March 1992
Current status: Single
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Righty of Lefty: Righty tighty
Zodiac Sign: Monkey.
ON THE INSIDEYour heritage: Chinese
Your fears: Loud sudden thunders
Your weakness: none??
Your perfect pizza: cheese crust with losts of sauce and sausages and pineapple
Your thoughts first waking up: what's the time
Your bedtime: NONE! =D aint that great
Your most missed memory: Don't know
PICK Pepsi or Coke: NEITHER!
Single or group dates: group
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: depends on what it is
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
DO YOUSmoke: No way. smells gross
Curse: all the time except the f words. =D
Take a shower: DUH~
Have a crush: nope.
Think you've been in love: nope.
School: yeah.
Want to get married: if i can find the right guy
Think you're a health freak: don't think so
Drank alcohol: Some white whine thingy.
Gone to the mall: Nope
Been on stage: nope.
Eaten Sushi: nope.
Been dumped: nope.
Gone skating: nope.
Dyed your hair: nope!
HAVE YOU EVERPlayed a stripping game: nah
Changed who you were to fit in: nope. i believe we accept each other no matter what. unless we're irritating or sth.
GETTING OLDAge you're hoping to be married: when i find the right one(:
Best eye color: GREEN!
Best hair color: brown
Short or long hair: depends of face shape.
WHAT WERE YOU DOING1 minute ago: tagging
1 week ago: sleeping all day
1 year ago: being rebellious and slacking
I hate: some stuff
I feel: BORED~
I hide: my feelings? (sounds emo)
I need: to pack my bag for MEGA CAMP
LOL. got this off fay's blog. damm bored as you can see...
so come on, tell me.
12:35 PM
"today's KUZCO'S NEW SCHOOL is brought to you by a new sound. KUZCO VISION!!! wow.. i sound COOL! theme music!"
He's on his way to the throne,
he's on his wat to success.
But he has to go to school,
he's got to ACE THAT TEST!
He's an emperor to be,
and he's totally, full of himself(ya know, it's all about me)
He's going to Kuzco's Acamedy(sp?)
he's gonna learn his ABCs!
sth sth stop her
sth sht
to destroy him right?
He's got the job and the looks
and the hottie that can help him read the thick cold books(lets go)
He's going to Kuzco's acamedy(acamdeY),
he's going to learn his ABCs
his friends are loyal,
it's royal
they help against the sth,
LOL! i was bored! =D
Timmy is an average kid,
that no one understands,
MOM and DAD and Vicky's giving him commands.
The lil dude grew up in his room
where sth instantly,
cause his magic little fish in sth sth
they are his god parents,
fairy god parents,
wands and wings,
little crowny things.
God parents,
fairy god parents,
rain or sth or buff or hot car,
rubber goose
green moose,
poppa juice (????)
giant snake
large fries
god parents
fairy god parents
sth sth
FAIRLY ODD PARENTS!!!LOL. i'm really really bored.
today's clearing day. finally cleared my books and i'm gonna clear my room on the 16th. yeah. got rid of MANY MANY useless stuff. yepp. later gonna pack for mega camp. jia le! i call you at 9 can?!
so come on, tell me.
Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 9:44 PM
today training. I DIED! like my god la. hmm, warm up, 5 sets of staircase, long run(3km) felt like 5. PFFT! then 10 sets of staircase. WTF! so damm tired. i know very little but very tiring. den coach say what my attitude got problem say never do properly... wth la! i'm the only one that have to kenna squat ALL THE WAY and jump up la. the rest half way only la. WTF! sigh. but he say's i'm growing taller! yay!he say nxt week gonna run long run twice as long! SIAO AH!!! nucking futs man! that's like 6 click! and i cant even do 3. SIAO! do 1 1/2 of the route already wanna die la! and to use all my endurance to finish it. AND WE HAVE TO DO DOUBLE OF THAT! CRAZYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so come on, tell me.
Thursday, November 09, 2006 @ 1:04 PM
i did some editing to the last ppt i made. so here it is! basically only added more pictures.
i'm gonna delete the other one.
Create Your Own!
so come on, tell me.
10:58 AM
ok. so like to day i woke up at 10! and my stupid MSN doesn't want to let me sign in! ACK! irritating!!!! *trying again* ugh~ "Sorry, we are unable to sign you in to Windows Live Messenger at this time. Please try again later." !!!!! IDIOT!
plans for the day:
Play GB.
Perhaps some TV.
so come on, tell me.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @ 6:12 PM
woke suprisingly early today. around 9+? yeah. watched tv all the way until 12:30 then headed down to Mc's so do homework with lishan. did math and we finished
ALMOST all! cause some question are damm difficult. like the last one and some others which i think needed trigo... den we were talking about trigo and ended up looking like
COMPLETE fools! cause we were talking about tangen, cosin and sin den she was like tan tan!! and pronounced it as a surname that tan. den i wan like, tan tan and pronounced it like sun tan that tan. LOL! den talk about dunno what toa sth sth. WTH LA! so MORONIC! haha. bought
GRILLED CHICKEN FOLDOVER! quite nice but when lishan was eating her half, the other side the bread the practically eat EVERYTHING LA! stupid. then i help her eat tomato... haha. yepp! and that was my day..
tomorrow got trng... SIAN AH!! gonna do the same stuff over and over again.
so come on, tell me.
Monday, November 06, 2006 @ 9:16 PM
TRNG TODAY! sians.. i've really lost my passion to run. it's like.. everyday go trng damm sian la. today trng was a killer. for some reason i couldn't do the long run today.... died halfway la. sigh.
den after trng went to j8 to have sort of a quick bite with qian wei, yu nign and SARAH. went to McDonald's i got a M sprite and that's it. after that bought TAIWAN SAUSAGE!! yums!!!
we were talking about her and her crush on someone and her freaking attitude that got us so pissed, treating us like shit... only know how to do that even during EOYs... diff piorities, like she very good at that.... sickening and irritating...
so come on, tell me.
Friday, November 03, 2006 @ 1:57 PM
had class farewell today. played
bball and
treasure hunt and the
mummy thing. only 3 games. so sad. i thought would be more... sigh. miss loh was just as irritating as ever... -.-' so tired now. i didn't win everything.. lol. BUT! alyn wore boxers and i could see them clear as ever. ther weren't peeking out. they were like. THERE! right infront of your eyes. LOL. then alyn got drenched and could see her
HOT PINK bra!!! wth. den miss loh was like "OH NO DEAR! YOU'RE SO WET I CAN SEE YOUR BRA!" WTH! -_-' HAD PIZZA FOR LUNCH! ate until super super full! so i'm super tired now and i'm gonna sleeP! good
night afternoon
so come on, tell me.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 3:03 PM
Friend: that one special person
who makes life a bit
easier just by being
there, listening to your
problems and difficulties.
Friendship: a special bond
between two people.
A bond that time
cannot break.
strong like a chain,
with linking hearts.
so come on, tell me.
3:00 PM
A Simple Thank-You, My Friend
by warmhrt
Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,
You entered, bringing light and life to me,
The vivid colors, painted with a swirl
Of wit and charm, of personality,
With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,
And images that line the now bright walls.I
look upon them fondly, bringing forth
A thankfulness that you walk in these halls
With me; our friendship has become a part
Of my world now; it has its special place,
Within my being, life, and in my heart,
Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.
Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,
I have to thank you for the light, my friend.
so come on, tell me.
1:45 PM
WOAH! like some idiotic guy wanted to bash up my coach today la. he angry that we training in the carpark, cause not safe.... den he threw a punch at my coach la! stupid. den my coach dodged it but fell.... got back up, told the man to go away and such. lol. ARSE holE! then the trackers said that if he hit 1 more time all of us go there. and if the guy hits us, we shout MOLEST!!!! hahaha! funny!
today's trng was T-I-R-I-N-G!! lets see.... warm up 7 rounds, staircase 5 sets, long run.... WTH! THE LONG RUN HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW LONG! just ask us to run to the end and back. IT WOULD BE 11.6 KM!!!!! siaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we stopped halfway and did 5km... tiring man! rested a while, then did skipping, 50 knee lift and staircase without stopping. 5 sets! my heart couldn't take it man.. it was beating so hard u could see it! first set heard my knee crack.... tahanned it man. den cool down. den i bend down to take sth, pulled my hemstring. WTH! so unfortunate. but it's okay now! yay!
i should really start doing my hwk. ACK! LAZY LAZY LAZY!!!
so come on, tell me.